Click here for a live demonstration <%@ Language=VBScript %> <% ' ASP Generic form processor ' Ben Meghreblian 4th June 2006 ' benmeg at benmeg dot com / ' ' This script takes the output of an HTML form, with either a POST or GET method ' and outputs all the variables sent to it. ' ' Perfect for the basis of a form-mailer or questionnaire engine If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then %> Form method: <b>POST</b><br><br> <% For i = 1 to Request.Form.Count %> <b><%=Request.Form.Key(i)%>:</b> <%=Request.Form.Item(i)%><br> <% Next
ElseIf Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "GET" Then %> Form method: <b>GET</b><br><br> <% For each qryItem in Request.QueryString %> <b><%= qryItem %>:</b> <%= Request.QueryString(qryItem) %><br> <% Next
Else %>
No form method specified
<% End If %>
DemoBoth forms send their data to the same page
Request method is POST |
Request method is GET (via URL Querystring) |